#!/usr/bin/python3 # # SYNOPSIS # sr-201-relay.py relay-hostname [command...] # # # DESCRIPTION # # Configures and controls a SR-201 Ethernet relay. If no commands are given # 'config' is assumed. If you don't supply relay-hostname a short help # message will be issued listing the available commands. # # BUGS # # Although this program can be used to issue control commands to the relay # I recommend doing it directly instead. It will be be faster, more # reliable, and the task is so simple the code will be shorter. The # primary purpose of this code is to document how to do it, with a working # example. # # # THE DEVICE: Factory Defaults # # Default IP Address: # Port 6722: TCP control # Port 6723: UDP control # Port 5111: TCP Configuration # # The device can be reset to these defaults by shorting the CLR pins # on the header next to the RJ45 connector. CLR is adjacent to the +5V # and P30 pins. # # THE DEVICE: Commands that can be sent over the TCP and UDP control ports # # Commands are ASCII strings that must be sent in one packet # (even for TCP): # # 0R No operation (but return status). # # 1R* Close relay if it's open, wait approx 1/2 a second, open # relay. # # 1R Close relay if it's open. # # 1R:0 Close relay if it's open. # # 1R:n Close relay if it's open, then in n seconds (1 <= n <= 65535) # open it. # # 2R Open relay if it's closed. # # Where: # # R is the relay number, '1' .. '8'. The main board has relay's # '1' and '2', the extension board (if present) has the rest. # If R is 'X' all relays are effected. # # If the command is sent over TCP (not UDP, TCP only), the relay will # reply with a string of 8 0's and 1's, representing the "before" command # was executed" state of relay's 1..8 in that order. A '0' is sent if the # relay is open, '1' if closed. # # # THE DEVICE: TCP Configuration # # Commands are ASCII strings that must be sent in one TCP packet. 'i' # is a random number in the range '1000' .. '9999': # # #1i; Query State. Response is a comma separated list of fields # terminated by a semicolon (';'). Example response: # # >,,,,0,435,F44900F6087457000000,,connect.tutuuu.com,0; # # Fields in order of appearance are: # # ID Value in example Description # -- -------------------- --------------------------------- # 2 Devices IP Address. # 3 Devices subnet mask. # 4 Gateway. # 5 Unknown. # 6 0 '1'=Save relay state across poweroff. # 7 435 Software version is 1.0.435 / reset. # na F44900F6087457000000 Device serial number. # 8 DNS Server to look up cloud service. # 9 connect.tutuuu.com Cloud service. # A 0 Cloud service enabled if = '1'. # # # #Di,F; Set the state whose ID is 'D' to value 'F'. For example: # # #61234,1; Persist relay state across power cycle. # #71234; Reset the device so changes take effect. # # ID 'B' sets the cloud service password. # # # THE DEVICE: Cloud operation # # If cloud operation is enabled (by setting ID "A" to "1"), the device sends # a HTTP "POST" request every second or so to server stipulated in setting # ID "9". The request is: # # POST /SyncServiceImpl.svc/ReportStatus HTTP/1.1 # User-Agent: SR-201W/M96Y # Content-Type: application/json # Host: # Content-Length: 30 # # "F0123456789ABCXXXXXX00000000" # # The post body contains the following fields: # # F0123456789ABCXXXXXX00000000 # \------------/\----/\------/ # | | | # | | +---- State of relays 1..8, 0=open, 1=closed. # | +----------- Password. # +--------------------- Serial number. # # The response must have the Content-Length header set, and the body must # be a singe application/json string starting with "A" optionally followed # by a single relay control command, eg: # # HTTP/1.1 200 OK # Content-Type: application/json # Content-Length: 7 # # "A11:2" # # # Home page: https://sr-201-relay.sourceforge.net/ # # Author: Russell Stuart, russell-debian@stuart.id.au # # License # ------- # # Copyright (c) 2017 Russell Stuart. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # The copyright holders grant you an additional permission under Section 7 # of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, exempting you from # the requirement in Section 6 of the GNU General Public License, version 3, # to accompany Corresponding Source with Installation Information for the # Program or any work based on the Program. You are still required to # comply with all other Section 6 requirements to provide Corresponding # Source. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import warnings; warnings.simplefilter('default') import os import re import select import socket import sys import time class Sr201(object): _IPV4_RE = '[.]'.join( ('(?:[0-9]{1,2}|[01][0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])',) * 4) _hostname = None _port = None _soc = None trace = False CONFIG_NAMES = [ 'ip', 'netmask', 'gateway', '(unknown)', 'power_persist', 'version', 'serial', 'dns', 'cloud_server', 'cloud_enabled', 'cloud_password'] PORT_CONFIG = 5111 PORT_CONTROL = 6722 def __init__(self, hostname): self._hostname = hostname self.open() def flush(self): s = select.select([self._soc.fileno()], [], [], 0.001) while s[0]: data = self._soc.recv(4096) if self.trace: sys.stdout.write('~ ' + data.encode('latin1') + '\n') s = select.select([self._soc.fileno()], [], [], 0.0) def open(self, port=None): port = port or self.PORT_CONTROL if port == self._port: self.flush() return self.close() self._soc = socket.create_connection((self._hostname, port)) self._port = port def close(self): if self._soc: self.flush() self._soc.close() self._port = None self._soc = None def recv(self): response = self._soc.recv(4096).decode('latin1') if self.trace: sys.stdout.write('< ' + response + '\n') return response def send(self, data): if self.trace: sys.stdout.write('> %s\n' % (data,)) return self._soc.send(data.encode('latin1')) def send_config(self, command, op, value): self.open(self.PORT_CONFIG) param = value is not None and ',' + value or '' self.send('#' + op + '9999' + param + ';') response = self.recv() if ( not response or response[0] != '>' or response[-1] != ';' or op != '1' and response != '>OK;' ): me = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) msg = "%s: invalid response to %r: %r\n" % (me, command, response) sys.stderr.write(msg) sys.exit(1) return response def do_close(self, command): match = 'close:([1-8Xx])([~]|:[1-9][0-9]{0,4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3})?$' match = re.match(match, command) if not match: usage('Invalid %r' % (command,)) data = '1' + match.group(1).upper() if match.group(2) == '~': data += '*' elif match.group(2): data += match.group(2) self.open() self.send(data) def do_cloud_enabled(self, command): match = re.match('(?i)cloud_enabled=(0|1|n|no|y|yes)$', command) if not match: usage('Invalid %s' % (command,)) cloud_enabled = match.group(1) in ('1', 'y', 'yes') and '1' or '0' self.send_config(command, 'A', cloud_enabled) def do_cloud_password(self, command): match = re.match('(?i)cloud_password=([0-9]{6})$', command) if not match: usage('%s must be exactly 6 digits' % (command,)) self.send_config(command, 'B', match.group(1)) def do_cloud_server(self, command): match = ( 'cloud_server=((?:[-a-z0-9]+[.])+[-a-z0-9]{2,}|' + self._IPV4_RE + ')$') match = re.match(match, command) if not match: usage('Invalid %s' % (command,)) self.send_config(command, '9', match.group(1)) def do_config(self, command): response = self.send_config(command, '1', None) # >,,,,0,435,F44900F6087457000000,,connect.tutuuu.com,0; values = response[1:-1].split(',') if len(values) != len(self.CONFIG_NAMES) - 1: raise Exception('Expected 10 values in response: %r' % (response,)) for i in range(len(values)): sys.stdout.write('%s=%s\n' % (self.CONFIG_NAMES[i], values[i])) sys.stdout.write('%s=(not-sent)\n' % (self.CONFIG_NAMES[-1],)) def do_dns(self, command): match = re.match('dns=(' + self._IPV4_RE + ')$', command) if not match: usage('Invalid %s' % (command,)) self.send_config(command, '8', match.group(1)) def do_gateway(self, command): match = re.match('gateway=(' + self._IPV4_RE + ')$', command) if not match: usage('Invalid %s' % (command,)) self.send_config(command, '4', match.group(1)) def do_ip(self, command): match = re.match('ip=(' + self._IPV4_RE + ')$', command) if not match: usage('Invalid %s' % (command,)) self.send_config(command, '2', match.group(1)) def do_netmask(self, command): match = re.match('netmask=(' + self._IPV4_RE + ')$', command) if not match: usage('Invalid %s' % (command,)) ip = match.group(1).split('.') ip = sum(256 ** (3 - i) * int(ip[i], 10) for i in range(len(ip))) if all(ip != 2 ** 32 - 2 ** i for i in range(32)): usage('%s is not a CIDR' % (command,)) self.send_config(command, '3', match.group(1)) def do_open(self, command): match = re.match('open:([1-8Xx])$', command) if not match: usage('Invalid open %r' % (command,)) data = '2' + match.group(1).upper() self.open() self.send(data) def do_pause(self, command): match = re.match('pause:([0-9]+(?:[.][0-9]*)?|[.][0-9]+)$', command) if not match: usage('Invalid pause %r' % (command,)) pause = float(match.group(1)) time.sleep(pause) if pause > 10: self.close() def do_power_persist(self, command): match = re.match('(?i)power_persist=(0|1|n|no|y|yes)$', command) if not match: usage('Invalid %s' % (command,)) power_persist = match.group(1) in ('1', 'y', 'yes') and '1' or '0' self.send_config(command, '6', power_persist) def do_reset(self, command): if command != 'reset': usage('Invalid reset %r' % (command,)) self.send_config(command, '7', None) self.close() def do_status(self, command): if command != 'status': usage('Invalid status %r' % (command,)) self.open() self.send('00') states = self.recv() sys.stdout.write('relay status: ' + ' '.join( '%d-%s' % (r + 1, states[r] == '0' and 'open' or 'closed') for r in range(len(states))) + '\n') # # ya flubbed it, dearie. # def usage(msg=None): def w(s, d=None): def split(w): i = (i for i in range(1, len(w) + 1) if len(' '.join(w[:i])) > 64) i = next(i, 64) r = w[:i] w[:i] = [] return ' '.join(r) if not d: sys.stderr.write(s + '\n') else: w = d.split() sys.stderr.write(s + ' ' * max(16 - len(s), 1) + split(w) + '\n') while w: sys.stderr.write(' ' * 16 + split(w) + '\n') me = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if msg: w('%s: %s' % (me, msg)) else: w('usage: %s [--trace] relay-hostnamme command...' % (me,)) w('options:') w(' --trace', 'Print a trace of all I/O to the relay') w('commands:') w(' close:R', 'Close relay R.') w(' close:R:T', 'Close relay R, then after T seconds open it.') w(' close:R~', 'Close relay R, then in about 1/2 a second open it.') w(' config', 'Print the devices configuration settings to stdout.') w(' CONFIG=VALUE', 'Set the configuration item "CONFIG" to "VALUE".') w(' open:R', 'Open relay R.') w(' pause:n', 'Pause for n seconds.') w(' reset', 'Reset device, applying changes to the configuration.') w(' status', 'Print the states of all relays.') w('R:') w(' The relay, a digit 1..8, or X for all relays.') sys.exit(1) # # Entry point. # def main(argv=sys.argv): i = 1 trace = False if len(argv) > i and argv[i] == '--trace': trace = True i += 1 if len(argv) == i: usage() if argv[i].startswith("-"): usage("unknown option %r" % (argv[i],)) sr_201 = Sr201(argv[i]) i += 1 sr_201.trace = trace commands = argv[i:] or ('config',) for command in commands: cmd = re.match('[_a-z]+', command) if not cmd or not hasattr(sr_201, 'do_' + cmd.group(0)): usage('Unrecognised command %r.' % (command,)) getattr(sr_201, 'do_' + cmd.group(0))(command) sr_201.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()